Illustration & Photography

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Photo by Eric Tschaeppeler

Photo by Eric Tschaeppeler



Tricia Robinson is an illustrator, photographer and labour activist located in Montréal, Canada. She has been working creatively in whatever she can get her hands on since the early 2000s and has been a freelance illustrator since 2013. Initially shying away from having personal politics and social issues merging with her work, these themes are now what show up frequently in her tattoo-style bold, black line work. Her work often adds a bit of humour and playfulness to important topics like workers' rights, labour activism, the perils of capitalism, and the importance, value, and future liberation of the working class. Her illustration career coincides with her work within labour unions in Canada, and her drive and desire to educate and empower workers.

Aside from illustration, Tricia is also a musician, a novice embroiderer and painter. She is a music college drop out with self taught skills and a very strong determination to be her own boss. She also absorbed skills and experience from the abundance of love, support, and skill sharing from her community.

Click on the 'Shop Prints' or 'Shop Home & Apparel' tabs to purchase art prints, home and apparel by Tricia.

If interested in inquiring with Tricia for illustration or photography work, please find the email icon below.

Articles she illustrated for, and is published or mentioned in:

"20 femmes inspirantes à suivre en 2020” by Silo57

”liste d’idées-cadeaux pour un noël local” by La Fabrique Crépue

"Quaranzines: Pandemic Inspires Analog Zine Projects” by Craft Industry Alliance

Illustrations in “New traditions: Transforming labour organizing for the future of work” in Briarpatch Magazine

Illustration in “How Quebec workers won – and kept – anti-scab laws” in Briarpatch Magazine

Tricia’s outreach work as covered by the following publications:

'“Montreal's The Hair Project brings pampering to homeless, in distress women” by CTV

“Hair Project Gives At-Risk Women Style, Slick Dos” by The Eastern Door.

"How a Montreal illustrator is using art to buy much-needed menstrual products for homeless women" by CBC News.

"The art of menses" by CTV News.

"Artist raises funds to buy menstrual products for Montreal's homeless" by Montreal Gazette.